How Do I Improve My Climax Control?

Dr. Laurence Levine
Board Certified Urologist, expert in male sexual dysfunction Dr. Laurence Levine
Last updated 11/28/2023
man trying to maintain climax control with woman in bed

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Hey Doc. I'm in college, and I don't have a ton of sexual experience. I've been experiencing issues with climax control. 

Not sure what’s going on, but it's starting to affect my confidence. I don’t know what to do to improve the situation.

How do I improve my climax control? What can I do to help myself last longer during sex?

It's not uncommon for those with limited sexual experience to face issues with climax control. Let's go through what causes the issue and how it can be improved.

What causes lack of climax control?

Issues with climax control, often referred to as premature ejaculation, can happen for a variety of reasons. Here are a few to consider:

  1. Penile oversensitivity: Some men have a penis that's more responsive to stimulation or touch. As a result, it's more difficult for them to control their climax.
  2. Sexual performance anxiety: A study found that patients with acquired premature ejaculation had a high rate of anxiety. There were also connections between premature ejaculation and social phobia.
  3. Erectile dysfunctionResearch has shown that 30 to 60% of men with ED also experience PE. Some men may feel rushed to ejaculate because they can't sustain an erection for long.
  4. Low serotonin levels: Lower serotonin levels can shorten the time to ejaculation, leading to PE. Some of the causes of low serotonin levels include genetics, chronic pain, nutritional deficiencies and stress.

How to improve climax control

  1. Behavioral Techniques: Methods like the "start-stop" and "squeeze" techniques can help increase ejaculation latency time.
  2. Pelvic Floor Exercises: Often known as Kegels, these can strengthen the muscles that control ejaculation. Additionally, cardio exercise for 30 minutes has also been found to help with improving climax control.
  3. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Techniques like deep breathing can help reduce anxiety and improve performance. Some research has shown yoga to be effective in increasing time to ejaculation.
  4. Desensitizing Products: Topical desensitizing sprays or creams containing lidocaine can numb the area slightly, potentially helping with lasting longer in bed.

Seek professional help

When self-help methods don't provide improvement, it's best to seek help from a medical professional.

A urologist can offer a tailored treatment plan, which may include prescription medications or specialized techniques.


Many young men face issues related to sexual dysfunction. It's important to seek out different solutions to manage the problem.

Men should also make sure to have open communication with their partners throughout the process. Consulting a urologist can help with navigating this issue more effectively.

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  • Pastore AL, Palleschi G, Fuschi A, et al. Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation for patients with lifelong premature ejaculation: a novel therapeutic approach. Ther Adv Urol. 2014;6(3):83-88. doi:10.1177/1756287214523329
  • Rajkumar RP, Kumaran AK. The association of anxiety with the subtypes of premature ejaculation: a chart review. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2014;16(4):10.4088/PCC.14m01630. Published 2014 Jul 31. doi:10.4088/PCC.14m01630
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  • Yoga improves premature ejaculation. Nat Rev Urol 5, 65 (2008).
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