The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Sexually: Is It An Aphrodisiac?

There’s a lot of research that shows cayenne pepper to be great for sexual health and general well-being. Here's what to know about the benefits of cayenne pepper sexually.

The Promescent Team
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by The Promescent Team Last updated 03/13/2024




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The spicy cayenne pepper has many healthy properties, and for some, it’s seen as a powerful aphrodisiac for men.

While aphrodisiacs are often based on legend, there’s a lot of research that shows cayenne pepper to be great for sexual health and general well-being.

Cayenne pepper has been proven to help increase testosterone, improve vascular health and reduce female sexual pain.

General health benefits of cayenne pepper include improving physical performance and general pain relief.

Cayenne pepper is generally considered to be safe to consume. Some possible side effects that may occur include stomach pain, headaches, and swelling.

We’ll look at cayenne pepper sexual benefits for ED, libido, sexual satisfaction and more!

Benefits of Cayenne Pepper Sexually

There are many possible benefits with adding cayenne pepper to your diet. In many cases, it's due to the capsaicin found in each pepper, which is also what gives it its distinctive spicy kick. 

Other beneficial components within the pepper include high amounts of flavonoids and vitamin C.

If you’re not a fan of spicy foods, you can still get the potential benefits of capsaicin.

There are capsules available that allow you to supplement the pepper without the burn.

Here are the top sexual benefits of cayenne pepper, and how it may help to transform your love life.

Improved Vascular Health

Many sexual ailments can be caused by poor vascular health, and some of the most common ones include:

While vascular health isn’t the only culprit in many of these conditions, it’s an important piece of the puzzle for sexual health.

Cayenne pepper has been shown to have a very potent effect on improving vascular health and blood flow.

In studies on rodents, capsaicin was found to significantly lower one's appetite, which can help reduce fat over time. 

It also showed a positive improvement in the vasodilation of blood vessels without affecting heart rate. 

This is one feature that may make cayenne pepper great for those suffering from ED.

Other conditions that might be also be improved through proper vascular functioning include:

  • Diabetes
  • Ulcers
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity

Increased Testosterone in Men

Testosterone plays a vital and positive role in male sexuality, and this includes:

  • Increasing libido
  • Improving erectile functioning and strength
  • Reducing instances of erectile dysfunction
  • Greater sexual satisfaction

But is there a connection between cayenne pepper and testosterone? In a study on mice, it was shown that the capsaicin from cayenne pepper could greatly influence testosterone production.

For both adolescent and adult mice, capsaicin significantly increased testosterone production within the gonads. To help further, it also reduced the instance of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin, which can hinder the production of testosterone over time.

While more human studies may be needed, these are promising results that are an example of cayenne pepper benefits for men.

Boosts Endorphins

Endorphins, often referred to as the happy hormone, are released naturally from activities like sex, laughter, exercise, and even from eating spicy foods containing capsaicin.

When endorphins are released, they can help to elevate your mood, reduce stress, and increase your overall well-being. In many cases, reducing stress can also help to improve your sexual satisfaction as well.

Some of the common sexual side effects of chronic stress include:

  • Lowered libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Reduced pleasure response

By regularly consuming cayenne pepper, you can help to encourage the release of endorphins, and over time, this may have a positive effect on your sexual health.

Lowers Blood Pressure

In a recent study, rats were given capsaicin for 28 days to see how it affected blood pressure and heart functioning. 

On the 16th day, cardiac functioning was significantly improved, including benefits for heart rate, blood pressure, and hypertrophy.

This is only one among many studies showing cayenne pepper to be potentially very helpful in controlling and preventing hypertension in adults. 

Hypertension is a chronic condition of high blood pressure, and along with increased mortality, it can also affect sexual functioning in various ways.

By reducing your blood pressure, you can help to enhance sexual functioning by:

  • Reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction
  • Potentially curing erectile dysfunction
  • Increasing libido
  • Improving overall sexual satisfaction

Reduces Female Sexual Pain

There are also benefits of cayenne pepper sexually for females. A major one is the potential for capsaicin to reduce vaginal pain when applied topically.

In a study of 33 women suffering from vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, which is a condition of chronic pain around the vulva, the topical application of capsaicin cream was found to help significantly reduce pain when applied daily.

However, more research is needed to see what the ideal dosage and frequency of application is for maximum benefit. 

While 59% of women did see a significant improvement, the condition did return once the application ceased.

Along with this, cayenne pepper can also help a woman's vascular system, which may work to increase vaginal lubrication and sexual satisfaction as well. 

This makes cayenne pepper a potentially great addition to any woman’s routine, although more research is needed for further benefits.

Along with capsaicin, VitaFLUX for Women is another option to help promote female sexual functioning with well-researched and effective ingredients.

Increases Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide (NO) is a crucial molecule that encourages a healthy circulatory system and strong erections. It relaxes the muscles in the penis and aids in blood flow and retention.

When a man has lowered amounts of NO, his penis may not have sufficient blood flow to maintain a strong erection.

Cayenne pepper is filled with vitamin C and high amounts of flavonoid that can help to promote nitric oxide production throughout the body. 

By helping to create more nitric oxide and support the circulatory system, cayenne pepper and erectile dysfunction treatment may go hand in hand.

Other supplements that can encourage nitric oxide production and sexual well-being include VitaFLUX. It helps promote stronger erections and libido, among other potential benefits.

Decreased Incidence of ED

Does cayenne pepper help with erectile dysfunction? According to one recent study, the high amount of flavonoid found in cayenne pepper can help some men prevent ED over time. 

By eating a flavonoid rich diet, some men had a 16% decreased risk of developing ED throughout their lives.

Incorporating cayenne pepper for ED into your diet may also have other sex-positive benefits as well. 

It can potentially reduce the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and other conditions that can hinder erections.

Higher Sexual Satisfaction

Inflammation affects both men and women negatively, and studies have found that it can have a devastating effect on one’s libido.

An increase in inflammation can also hinder the gut’s natural regulation of microorganisms. 

Over time, this can affect both hormonal production along with circulatory functioning and even cell responses. It can lead to a loss of libido.

With high inflammation, some people may experience:

  • Libido loss
  • Decreased orgasmic pleasure
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced vaginal lubrication

While probiotics are often recommended to help reduce inflammation and improve gut health, cayenne pepper and libido may have a close and beneficial relationship, according to recent research.

In one study, capsaicin was shown to regulate appetite and absorption within the gut, which may promote a decrease in inflammation over time. 

Along with this, capsaicin may improve the circulatory system, which can further contribute towards greater sexual satisfaction.

With less inflammation, the body can regulate hormones correctly and potentially increase one's libido. 

Along with healthy circulation, enough blood can flow to maintain erections, and help to improve sensitivity in both men and women.

Not only are hot peppers good for erectile dysfunction, but they may prove to be beneficial for everyone's sexual wellness.

Weight Loss

Obesity can lead to numerous health complications, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Impaired circulatory functioning

Many of these severe complications can also cause sexual dysfunctions, from ED to reduced libido, reduced pleasure, and more.

However, capsaicin may be an important tool in losing weight and fighting obesity. In a 12-week study, obese patients in a control group were provided with 6mg of capsaicin per day while those in the placebo group received none.

When the trial concluded, it was found that those who consumed capsaicin had greater abdominal fat loss than the placebo group, despite all participants losing weight in a similar way otherwise.

Researchers believe that the chili pepper helped to safely increase the body’s energy expenditure. 

The increased energy expenditure can help to burn off more fat when following a standard weight loss program.

While proper nutrition, exercise, and supporting therapy are still the pillars of weight loss, capsaicin has been shown to aid in weight loss by encouraging the body to shed more fat than it would without supplementation.

Other Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

Along with being a helpful way to improve sexual functioning, cayenne pepper also shows promising benefits for other health conditions as well.

Let’s look at some top ways cayenne pepper might help your general health today.

General Pain Relief

Cayenne pepper and capsaicin has been proven to be helpful with certain conditions, such as:

  • Migraine
  • Neuropathy
  • Muscle pain

In one study, the daily application of a capsaicin patch was shown to dramatically reduce diabetic neuropathy pain in chronic sufferers.

In many cases, the use of topical creams and patches may be more effective than capsules for localized pain management. 

While side effects are generally rare and mild, such as a temporary burning sensation, make sure to talk with your doctor before trying any new supplementation or treatment.

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that can cause frequent flare ups of dry and intensely itchy or painful patches on the skin. 

While there are creams that can help, psoriasis is generally a life-long condition. The treatment often consists of pain management through corticosteroids and other medicated ointments.

However, some research has shown capsaicin to be potentially beneficial for psoriasis.

In a study of 44 patients, the control group was asked to place capsaicin cream on one side of their body for six weeks to see how it compared to the non-treated side. 

In this time, over half of the participants had a significant improvement of their skin on the treated areas. 

However, the treatments did peak after a certain amount of time, and then the positive effects diminished with frequent usage.

This suggests that while capsaicin may work to reduce painful and itchy spots, the application of it may need to be cycled to prevent tolerance from building. 

More research will help to find the ideal dosage and application. While capsaicin may not cure psoriasis, it may help to treat painful breakouts and work as an infrequent treatment option.

Improve Physical Performance

In a study focused on medium distance running, capsaicin supplementation reduced the rate of perceived exertion in healthy adults. 

Cayenne pepper may help to increase stamina in certain activities, and without any apparent negative effects on heart rate or other functions.

Cayenne Pepper Risks

While cayenne pepper, and its main compound capsaicin, are generally safe for most adults, there are some potential side effects that should be noted.

Aside from allergic reactions, other potential risks of cayenne pepper consumption include:

  • A painful or burning sensation when consumed
  • Stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Hypertension
  • Sinusitis

There may also be side effects with topical applications of capsaicin as well, including localized:

  • Swelling
  • Pain or burning
  • Edema

When handling capsaicin, it’s important to always wash your hands afterward, and to avoid touching sensitive areas such as the eyes or genitals to prevent a burning sensation.

How Many Teaspoons of Cayenne Pepper per Day?

When starting supplementation with cayenne pepper, it’s important to start small to ensure you react well to it.

It can help prevent any minor side effects, such as a burning sensation or upset stomach.

Consider starting with a 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Over time, you can increase the dosage to a full teaspoon, which is roughly 1.8g.

In some studies, 2.56g is considered an ideal dosage for weight loss and metabolic effects, while up to 9g is also considered safe and effective for weight loss and other purposes.

It’s often best to use the least amount that still provides you with benefits. In some cases, you may quickly build a tolerance for capsaicin. Cycling the usage with a break every two weeks can help to prevent this.


For foods that increase sexual libido, cayenne pepper is one of the best and most researched, and it shows potential benefits for a variety of conditions.

Due to its circulatory benefits, using cayenne for ED may be effective for many men. 

Plus, it can help both men and women enhance their sexual pleasure by increasing overall health and fitness.

Along with cayenne pepper, you can also utilize supplements like VitaFLUX to help promote sexual wellness and satisfaction.

Even though cayenne pepper is natural, make sure to talk with your doctor before supplementing with anything new.


The Promescent Team

Our team has over a decade of experience in the sexual wellness field and are experts in sexual dysfunctions, like premature ejaculation. We help couples and individuals better understand treatment options available for different types of sexual needs and educate the public on all things related to intimacy. All of our authored content is medically reviewed for accuracy and reliability.


Absorption Pharmaceuticals LLC (Promescent) has strict informational citing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic or research institutions, medical associations, and medical experts. We attempt to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references and only citing trustworthy sources. Each article is reviewed, written, and updated by Medical Professionals or authoritative Experts in a specific, related field of practice. You can find out more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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