8 Premature Ejaculation Exercises That Really Treat PE

If you suffer from PE, we've got some exciting news! Below are some proven exercises, techniques, and over-the-counter treatments that really work.

Dr. Rachel Rubin M.D.
Board certified Urologist and assistant clinical professor in Urology
by Dr. Rachel Rubin M.D. Last updated 04/11/2024
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Man exercising to help with premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) affects 30 to 40 percent of men, which makes it the most common sexual function disorder among the male population. 

Unfortunately, issues with ejaculating too quickly can disrupt sexual satisfaction with a partner. This often leads to problems with sexual confidence and anxiety.

Quick FAQs

Yes, there are several exercises and techniques you can use to treat PE.

Fortunately there are several over-the-counter options available to you. Things like Promescent delay spray are safe, effective and highly rated.

Like with any prescription medication there are always side effects. Fortunately, for the medication used to treat PE most are minor. We'll discuss at length in the article below.

Exercise is exceptional for sexual health overall. However, does exercise help for premature ejaculation? 

If so, what exercises help men last longer? Here’s a closer look at exercises for premature ejaculation.

Top Exercises for Premature Ejaculation

1. Kegel Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises have been found to be very effective in treating PE. In fact, these exercises for premature ejaculation are often the first recommended.

In a study of men with lifelong PE, pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation for 12 weeks led to significantly better ejaculatory control. 

Even more noteworthy, a pelvic floor training regimen may yield results for several months post-treatment. 

When tested at the six-month follow-up, the men who participated in this study maintained better ejaculation times (112.6 seconds on average vs 39.8 seconds before the study).

Combining pelvic floor exercises for PE with biofeedback may generate even more profound results for both PE and erectile dysfunction (ED).

How to Do Pelvic Floor Exercises for Premature Ejaculation

There are several different types of pelvic floor exercises for premature ejaculation and each can be effective for targeting unique muscle groups. Here are a few of the most common ones.

1. Kegel Exercises

  1. Begin by locating the pelvic floor muscles, which are the ones used to stop the flow of urine midstream.
  2. Once identified, contract these muscles and hold for a count of three to five seconds, then release.
  3. Aim for 10 to 15 repetitions, gradually increasing the duration of each contraction as strength improves.

2. Reverse Kegel Exercises

  1. Instead of contracting, focus on relaxing the pelvic floor muscles as if you're pushing urine out.
  2. Hold this relaxation for three to five seconds, then release.
  3. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions, gradually increasing the duration of each relaxation.

3. Transverse Abdominis Activation

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Inhale deeply, allowing your belly to rise, then exhale and gently draw your navel towards your spine to engage the deep abdominal muscles.
  3. Hold for a few seconds, then release.
  4. Repeat 10 to 15 times, focusing on controlled breathing and precise muscle engagement.

2. Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercise (cardio) involves activities such as running, swimming, or cycling, which elevate heart and breathing rates. 

During aerobic exercise, the body utilizes oxygen to generate energy, which is excellent for the heart and lungs, boosts blood circulation, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

For men, regular aerobic exercise can also improve endurance, aid in weight management, and contribute to better mental well-being. Additionally, aerobic exercise can be a vital component of a premature ejaculation workout.

Several types of aerobic exercises are shown to be effective in treating PE. However, running specifically may be a good premature ejaculation exercise.

In a study of 105 men with PE, those who ran for 30 minutes five days per week for a month experienced significant IELT improvement.

Aerobic exercise may also enhance medicinal treatment for PE. For example, animal studies have shown that aerobic activity paired with dapoxetine was better for rapid ejaculation than dapoxetine alone.

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating between short bursts of intense exercise and brief recovery periods.

An example of a HIIT workout could be sprinting at maximum effort for 30 seconds, followed by a 60-second recovery period of walking or light jogging, repeated for a total of 15 to 20 minutes.

HIIT offers men numerous physical benefits, including increased cardiovascular fitness, improved muscular strength and endurance, enhanced metabolism, and greater fat loss compared to traditional steady-state cardio exercises.

As great as HIIT is for fitness purposes, it can also possibly help with treating premature ejaculation

In a two-week study of men between 18 and 36 who were diagnosed with PE, those who followed a HIIT regimen experienced alleviated PE symptoms. As a bonus, these men also reported greater sexual body image satisfaction.

4. Yoga

Exercises to last long do not have to be as physically challenging as HIIT or even considered aerobic exercise to benefit PE. Yoga is also proven to be an effective exercise for premature ejaculation.

In a large-scope review of literature published between 2000 and 2023, 10 studies were analyzed to better understand the effect of yoga on PE. 

Two experiments compared the effects of yoga and medications on PE and found that yoga yielded more favorable outcomes. 

Men who participated in yoga reported experiencing significant ejaculation control and better IELT times. 

Yoga was also found to enhance sperm health, fertility, and hormone levels, as well as provide beneficial effects for men with erectile dysfunction.

In a study comparing the effects of yoga and paroxetine on PE, yoga had a more pronounced effect compared to paroxetine, even though it took slightly longer to show results.

5. Vibrator-Assisted Start-Stop Exercises

The start-stop method is often recommended for men who struggle with PE. Start-stop exercises for premature ejaculation involve stopping sexual stimulation just before reaching climax, and then waiting until the urge to ejaculate subsides before resuming.

This technique is said to work because it helps improve ejaculatory control. However, vibrator-assisted start-stop exercises for premature ejaculation may be even more beneficial.

A six-week intervention using vibrator-assisted start-stop exercises significantly reduced premature ejaculation (PE) symptoms. 

Previous studies also found similar results, with one reporting an 11-fold increase in latency period. This suggests that vibrator-assisted start-stop exercises can effectively improve PE symptoms.

6. Mental Exercises

Most men know about using mental exercises to last longer. Maybe they use the tried-and-true "think about baseball" or something similar to pull their attention out of the moment and away from the physical sensations temporarily.

This attempt to distract the mind is referred to as cognitive distraction, and it can be effective for some men. However, some men claim that thinking about something else negatively affects their erection.

Mindfulness meditation is another mental premature ejaculation exercise to try. Research has shown that meditation can help treat PE, and it may help with other aspects of male sexuality, such as erectile function, low sexual desire, and potentially even sexual insecurity.

Exercise Frequency and Premature Ejaculation

Physical activity is undoubtedly important for a healthy sex life. Exercise for PE specifically may very well be one of the most noteworthy ways a man can see improvements in ejaculation time. 

But how frequently does a man need to exercise to see these benefits? Research suggests that  the more frequently a man exercises, the more likely he will see PE improvements.

To explore how exercise might influence PE in one study, researchers divided 238 men into two groups: those who engaged in regular physical activity and those leading a sedentary lifestyle. 

Participants were of similar age, ethnicity, location, and sexual activity history. Using measures like metabolic equivalents (MET), the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT), and intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT), they compared the two groups.

Results showed that men in the physically active group had lower PEDT scores compared to their sedentary counterparts. Additionally, their MET scores, which indicate exercise intensity and duration, were significantly higher. 

The IELT was also longer among physically active men. Therefore, there seems to be a direct correlation between regular physical activity and reduced frequency of PE.

Exercise and Premature Ejaculation FAQs

Does exercise help premature ejaculation?

Numerous studies have shown certain exercises can help with PE, including aerobic activities like running and low-impact exercises like yoga or pelvic floor training. 

While exercise may not always offer an immediate improvement in ejaculatory control, the long-term benefits for overall sexual function are profound.

How can I increase my pre-ejaculation time?

Increasing your pre-ejaculation time is possible, whether through premature ejaculation training, medication, or mental exercises for PE. 

Some men also successfully prolong ejaculation by wearing a thickened condom. Additionally, desensitizing products like Promescent Delay Spray can lead to significant IELT improvement by reducing sexual sensations slightly to slow down ejaculation.

How do you get rid of premature ejaculation?

Getting rid of PE may involve everything from using condoms and premature ejaculation exercises to trying meditation or even talking to your doctor. 

Additionally, using ejaculation delay projects like desensitizing sprays can make a drastic difference. In many cases, men see the most successful improvement by employing several different approaches aimed at delaying ejaculation.

What causes early ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a complex sexual function issue for men, and it often involves more than one underlying psychological or physical cause. 

PE can stem from psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, or sexual performance pressure. 

Additionally, certain medical conditions like hormonal imbalances, prostate problems, or thyroid issues may contribute to early ejaculation. 

Relationship issues, unresolved emotional conflicts, or past sexual experiences can also play a role.

What exercises help men last longer?

The start-stop method, pelvic exercises, the squeeze method, and even mental exercises for delayed ejaculation like meditation or cognitive distraction can be effective. 

Leading an overall active lifestyle complete with routine aerobic activity has also been shown to have benefits for many with sexual function disorders like PE or ED.

Do fit guys last longer?

While physical fitness can positively influence stamina and endurance, there's no direct correlation between being fit and lasting longer during sexual activity. 

Factors like genetics, overall health, and individual physiology play significant roles. 

However, regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health and overall well-being, potentially enhancing sexual performance and ejaculation times for some individuals.

Alternative Premature Ejaculation Treatments

While there is no way to cure premature ejaculation, combining some or all of these approaches can make a huge difference in your ability to delay ejaculation—for example, Kegels and edging work great together.

Below are some more highly effective and proven ways to help control premature ejaculation; let’s take a look.

Topical creams/sprays with lidocaine

Lidocaine sprays like Promescent Desensitizing Spray and PE creams can give you better control over ejaculation by desensitizing the most sensitive parts of the penis.

Delay sprays with lidocaine are available over the counter. Simply apply the product to the underside of the head and shaft of the penis before sex, allow 10 minutes for absorption, and enjoy decreased sensitivity and longer sex; that’s it!

These types of products can be a real game-changer for most men.

For example, one study showed that Promescent spray has the potential to prolong ejaculation times by nearly five minutes.

Benzocaine wipes

Benzocaine wipes are another over-the-counter option to treat premature ejaculation.

Pro Tip: Promescent Desensitizing Wipes are great alternative climax delay sprays. The wipes are individually wrapped and perfect for when you're on-the-go.

Like delay spray, the wipes contain a numbing agent, in this case, benzocaine which lowers the sensitivity levels in the penis to help prevent premature ejaculation.

You simply use the wipe to rub the solution on the sensitive areas of the penis before sex, wait for the product to absorb for 5-10 minutes, and you're on your way to lasting longer in bed.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are doctor-provided premature ejaculation treatments in the form of oral medications, available by prescription only.

Typically, SSRIs are used to treat mood disorders like depression. However, the medication's mechanism of action (upping serotonin levels in the brain) may also offer delayed ejaculation.

While peer-reviewed studies of SSRIs show these medications to be effective in treating premature ejaculation, they can also have some pretty adverse side effects, so they’re usually only prescribed as a last resort.

For example, in a systematic review of sertraline hydrochloride (Zoloft) for PE, 81 percent of men experienced longer ejaculation times.

However, another small study found that while the SSRI helped some men delay ejaculation, it caused others to experience issues with erectile dysfunction, inability to climax, and lowered libido.

This really comes as no surprise considering erectile dysfunction is one of the more common side effects associated with SSRIs.

If you're considering SSRIs to treat premature ejaculation, talk in-depth with your healthcare professional about the potential side effects to ensure that this is the right option for you.

Possible side effects of taking SSRIs to control premature ejaculation

Zinc supplements

Taking zinc supplements may be something to consider if you have issues with premature ejaculation.

The mineral zinc is said to play an essential role in male sexual function and fertility. Therefore, taking zinc may help support sexual health and deter sexual issues, including premature ejaculation.

We should also note that zinc supports cardiovascular function.

Men with cardiovascular disease have a greater risk of erectile dysfunction because blood flow to the penis may be impeded. 

Therefore, it is not uncommon for a healthcare professional to recommend zinc to men looking to treat erectile dysfunction before moving on to those well-known blue pills (like Viagra or Cialis).

Of course, if you have underlying issues or medical conditions, it is always best to speak to your doctor about starting any new supplements, exercises, or techniques.


While PE can be a common issue for men, many delayed ejaculation exercises may be beneficial. 

Both physical and mental exercises may support more controlled ejaculation and a better sex life overall.

Taking advantage of other techniques for delaying orgasm can also help, such as using condoms and products like Promescent Delay Spray to lower sensitivity levels. 

Overall, there are several well-documented, effective tools and strategies to manage PE and enhance sexual confidence and satisfaction.


Dr. Rachel Rubin

Dr. Rachel S. Rubin is a board-certified Urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. She is an assistant clinical professor in Urology at Georgetown University and practices at IntimMedicine Specialists in Washington DC. Dr. Rubin provides comprehensive sexual medicine care to all genders. She treats issues such as pelvic pain, menopause, erectile dysfunction, and low libido. Dr. Rubin is currently the education chair for the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and an associate editor for the journal Sexual Medicine Reviews. Dr. Rubin has fellowship designation from both ISSWSH and the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA).


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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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