Can Premature Ejaculation be Cured by Surgery?

If you've been looking at getting surgery to cure premature ejaculation, then you'll want to read this first.

Dr. Alec Koo MD FACS
UCLA Medical Degree, practicing Urologist
by Dr. Alec Koo MD FACS Last updated 12/07/2023
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Surgery for premature ejacualtion

Premature ejaculation is likely the most common sexual dysfunction in men — affecting approximately 30 percent of all males worldwide —but the medical community still doesn’t know for sure what causes it.

When seeking out treatment options, some want an aggressive, permanent surgical fix for their premature ejaculation.

With so many men experiencing premature ejaculation (PE), there is a great deal of interest from the medical community to find long-term solutions or a cure.

Fortunately, there is a safe, effective, and proven treatment for premature ejaculation that doesn't involve surgery. Check out Promescent Desensitizing Spray.

But at this time, premature ejaculation surgery is still experimental and risky; any “quick fix” might be too good to be true, and it could have permanent negative health effects. (To be honest, some of them even sound horrifying enough to give us nightmares.)

Cryoablation: blast chilling a vital penile nerve

In 2013, David Prologo published findings in the Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology after surgically treating a small group of 24 patients with premature ejaculation, for whom standard treatments weren’t effective.

His treatment involved a needle-guided “cryoablation” (the use of extreme cold to destroy tissue) of the dorsal penile nerve in each patient.

When he presented those initial findings in 2011 at the Radiological Society of North America, WebMD reported on several unknowns, including the long-term consequences of the procedure and whether any men would actually opt for the treatment (ya think?).

Two surgical explorations in Asian countries

In 2016, a new study published in Translational Andrology and Urology examined new and existing surgical treatments for PE.

Author Du Geon Moon found surgical trials in Korea and China were experimenting with two surgical methods of treatment: selective dorsal neurectomy and glans penis augmentation with hyaluronic-acid gel.

Both treatments were developed to decrease penile sensitivity before the International Society for Sexual Medicine set guidelines for them.

ISSM guidelines have since been established and do not recommend surgical treatment because of insufficient reliable data and the risk of permanent loss of sexual function.

Though surgical treatment in Asian countries is on the upswing, these surgeries are not considered safe for broad use and may still show long-term impairments for patients.

“Surgical treatments to decrease the sensation of the glans have demonstrated efficacy for treating PE but are not recommended due to possible sensory loss and rare erectile dysfunction,” according to the 2016 study.

How to treat premature ejaculation without surgery

While men who experience PE wait for safe, affordable surgical or other permanent cures, there are more options at hand.

There are ways to last longer in bed, including:

  • Promescent Climax Control Spray: Used before sex begins, Promescent, an over-the-counter treatment option, can help you last longer and enjoy sex with your partner more.
  • Masturbation: Masturbating before you plan to have sex can help you take more time to climax the second time around.
  • Foreplay: Spending time concentrating on your partner can help take your mind off of finishing too fast yourself — or help close the orgasm gap so you can both feel satisfied.
  • Lube: Slow things down by adding some more slip — it will feel better for both of you, guaranteed.

Fresh positions: Try a few new positions designed to take some of the friction and pressure off of your penis, and you may find you last longer.


Dr. Alec Koo

Dr. Alec S Koo MD is a Urologist practicing in Southern California. He received his Bachelors Degree and Medical Degree at UCLA. He has had an active presence in the clinical trial space. Dr. Koo is also a recognized expert in health policy. He was formerly on the Board of Large Urology Group Practice Association (LUGPA) and as well as serving as managing partner of Skyline Urology.


Absorption Pharmaceuticals LLC (Promescent) has strict informational citing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic or research institutions, medical associations, and medical experts. We attempt to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references and only citing trustworthy sources. Each article is reviewed, written, and updated by Medical Professionals or authoritative Experts in a specific, related field of practice. You can find out more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Sexual Medicine Staff. 2014, May 22. An Update of the International Society of Sexual Medicine's Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Premature Ejaculation (PE). National Library of Medicine.
  • C. Zhang, Z. Yao, X. Li, T. Yuan. 2009, April. The effect of selective dorsal penile nerve neurectomy on the penis sensitivity. Chinese Journal of Andrology.
  • Du Geon Moon. 2016, August. Is there a place for surgical treatment of premature ejaculation?. Translational Andrology and Urology.
  • Laura J. Martin, MD. 2011, December 02. Treatment Shows Promise for Premature Ejaculation. WebMD.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. 2020, August 27. Premature ejaculation. The Mayo Clinic.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. 2020, August 27. Premature ejaculation. The Mayo Clinic.
  • Inside Radiology Staff. (n.d). Interventional Radiology. Indie Radiology.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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