Does Female Masturbation Cause Infertility: The Pregnancy Myth

Does female masturbation cause infertility? Our guide covers the true causes of infertility and how to make yourself more fertile.

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by فريق Promescent Last updated 12/11/2023
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Does female masturbation affect ovulation

One unfortunate rumor is that masturbation can cause infertility among other unwanted effects.

Quick FAQs

No, there is no research that concludes female masturbation causes infertility.

While some hormones can be increased as a result of masturbation, it's not enough to cause an imbalance.

Ovulation occurs during the menstrual cycle, therefore female masturbation has no effect on it.

The good news, however, is that female masturbation does not cause infertility. In fact, it can be a very beneficial and healthy practice in many cases.

This guide will debunk the myths around female masturbation while showing the true and most common causes of infertility, along with proven tips on how to increase fertility as one ages.

Does Female Masturbation Cause Infertility?

Female masturbation does not cause infertility, nor does it have any negative effects when done safely. What this means is that, whether by hand or with a toy, masturbation will not negatively affect a woman’s reproductive system or genital region.

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In fact, there are a number of benefits for women, including:

  • Stress reduction
  • Increased satisfaction
  • A stronger immune system

While masturbation does not cause infertility, there are some common causes of infertility that you should be aware of, including:

  • Age
  • Endometriosis
  • Eating Disorders
  • Excessive Alcohol
  • Radiation Therapy
  • STI’s
  • Smoking

Let’s look more in depth as to how these scenarios can cause infertility in women.


Age is one of the most common factors for infertility in women.

From birth, each woman will have a specific number of oocytes, or uterine cells. Without medical intervention, these cells do not regenerate or increase on their own.

These cells are depleted slowly throughout a woman’s life, although they begin to decrease more quickly around the age of 32.

At the age of 37, these oocytes begin to rapidly decrease. At 40 and over, the number of oocytes available will be severely limited, making a successful and healthy pregnancy much more difficult.

As the quality and quantity of oocytes decreases, a woman may be more susceptible to:

  • Changes in their ovulatory cycle
  • A potential decline in uterine health
  • An increased risk of complications during pregnancy


Endometriosis is when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus which can then cause scar tissue, painful cramps, and potentially infertility.

Most women will grow new endometrial tissue within their uterus during their menstrual cycle, but anywhere from 2% to 10% of women will have this tissue grow beyond the uterus.

This includes tissue growth on the:

  • Fallopian tubes
  • Ovaries
  • Outer uterus
  • Cervix

However, certain procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF) can allow women to get pregnant despite complications from endometriosis.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, may strongly contribute towards an increased risk of infertility.

Studies have shown that roughly 16% of women in infertility treatments have an eating disorder. One of the most likely reasons for this is that a severe lack of nutrients may lead to irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal imbalances, along with a decrease in overall bodily functioning.

If you’re suffering from any type of eating disorder, it’s important to speak with a licensed medical professional immediately to protect your overall health.

Excessive Alcohol

A large study found that frequent or excessive alcohol consumption may lead to infertility in some women.

While moderate drinking appears to have little effect, frequent or heavy alcohol usage may lead to:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation
  • Reduced overall health

Reducing one’s alcohol consumption, or quitting it altogether, can help to reverse these negative trends and lead to a greater chance of a successful pregnancy.

Radiation Therapy

While radiation is an often necessary treatment for certain tumors and cancers, one unfortunate side effect of radiation therapy is an increased risk of infertility.

Radiation itself can often be damaging to the surrounding tissues, yet the risks are often accepted in favor of treating the disease. When radiation therapy is done close to the ovaries, it can often lead to permanent damage to the delicate ovarian tissues.

If you’re undergoing radiation therapy but wish to get pregnant in the future, make sure to speak with your doctor to learn about ways to minimize the risk of infertility.


Certain sexually transmitted infections, or STI’s, may lead to infertility in some women.

Some of these STI’s include:

  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium
  • Some Strains of HPV (Genital Warts)

In the case of HPV, speak with your doctor about getting vaccinated against the potentially cancer-causing variations of genital warts.

For the other STI’s on this list, make sure to seek treatment if you ever notice any itching, burning, or other abnormal sensations in the genital region. 

Many of these STI’s can be treated through prescription medication when caught early, and this can help to prevent lingering infections that may lead to infertility.


Studies have found that smoking cigarettes correlates with an increased risk of infertility and even earlier menopause than non-smoking women.

The data shows that the more cigarettes a woman smokes, the fewer children they are likely to have. Women who smoke also tend to enter menopause at least one year sooner than non-smokers.

To aid in fertility and overall health, it’s worth working with your doctor to reduce or quit nicotine altogether.

Does Female Masturbation Cause Hormonal Imbalance?

While female masturbation can increase certain hormones both during and after the act, it will not create a hormonal imbalance.

Masturbation, like sex or other pleasurable activities, will temporarily release certain hormones that help your body to feel relaxed and blissful.

This includes:

  • Dopamine, or “the pleasure hormone”.
  • Oxytocin, a hormone known for creating positive feelings and bonding among other people.
  • Testosterone, which can increase arousal in women.
  • Prolactin, which can boost your mood and immune system.
  • Endorphins, which act as pain relievers and mood enhancers.

All of these hormones are released at various stages during masturbation, from the initial point of arousal all the way to orgasm.

After an orgasm, many of these hormones will be at a temporarily higher level than normal, but they will quickly revert back to their standard levels shortly afterwards.

While long-term hormonal imbalances may cause infertility issues in some women, frequent masturbation will not cause a hormonal imbalance.

In many cases, hormonal imbalances come from:

  • Various medical issues, such as tumors
  • Medications
  • Excessive Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Insomnia
  • Obesity

Does Female Masturbation Affect Ovulation?

Ovulation happens during the menstrual cycle, and it’s the process where a woman’s ovaries release an ovum, or egg, through the fallopian tubes where it can then be fertilized by sperm.

In many cases, ovulation happens around day 14 of a 28-day cycle. Masturbation, or even sex, will not affect ovulation.

While some mammals, like cats, camels, and rabbits, require sex in order to ovulate, human females will naturally ovulate with or without intercourse.

What this means is that masturbation has no effect whatsoever on a woman’s ovulation. It will neither induce it nor stop it from occurring.

Does Female Masturbation Affect Implantation?

Implantation may occur between 6-12 days after successful fertilization of the ovum, or egg.

During this process, a successfully fertilized egg (now called a zygote) will then travel along the fallopian tube before attaching to the lining of the uterus. This is considered the first stage of gestation, and is when a woman is generally deemed to be pregnant.

Some signs of implantation include:

  • Light bleeding
  • Cramping
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Sore breasts

There is no research that suggests masturbation affects anything related to the implantation process. 

Since it may be an uncomfortable process at times, masturbation may help to increase one’s mood or even aid in pain relief during some of the symptoms.

How to Increase Fertility

Does female masturbation increase fertility? Just as masturbation doesn’t cause infertility, it also doesn’t make a woman more fertile.

However, there are some simple ways to help increase fertility and aid in the chance of getting pregnant.

This includes:

  • Having Sex at the Right Time
  • Reducing Smoking
  • Reducing Alcohol Consumption
  • Eating a Well-Balanced Diet
  • Limiting Caffeine

Let’s look deeper into how these things can help to increase fertility, but remember to always speak with a doctor before making any major lifestyle changes.

Having Sex at the Right Time

Having more frequent sex is helpful when trying to get pregnant, but having sex at the right time can also greatly improve your odds of conception.

Having frequent sex from five days prior to ovulation, all the way up to the day of ovulation, can help to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

In many cases, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of a 28-day cycle, so try to track your own cycle so you can have more intercourse on more viable days.

Reducing Smoking

As shown before, women who smoke have a higher chance of infertility compared to those who do not.

Some options, like nicotine patches or lozenges, may help to reduce cravings and help the body heal from smoking during the quitting process.

Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Frequent or heavy alcohol consumption negatively affects hormones and menstrual cycles, increasing the risks of infertility in women.

If you drink both heavily and frequently, it’s important to work with your doctor so you can safely detox from alcohol and minimize the risk of harmful withdrawal symptoms.

Eating a Well-Balanced Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet can help to ensure your hormone levels stay consistent and that your body functions at an optimal level.

Those who are severely underweight or overweight, along with those lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients, may have an increased risk of infertility.

Try to stay within your caloric range so you can maintain an ideal weight as well.

An example of a well-balanced daily diet includes:

  • Leafy greens
  • Fruits
  • Lean meats or proteins
  • Non-processed carbohydrates
  • Adequate hydration

Along with your diet, there are supplements available that may aid in improving hormonal functioning and ovarian health. Supplements like Fertility Support for Her utilize well-researched vitamins and ingredients to potentially aid in fertility and ovarian functioning along with general female health.

However, you should always speak with your doctor before trying any new supplementation, and always choose a product that uses scientifically-backed ingredients for the best, and safest, results.

Limiting Caffeine

While studies have shown that caffeine is generally safe for women trying to get pregnant, the researchers still advise caution due to the fact that some women may have a sensitivity to caffeine that could potentially impact their fertility.

To be safe, researchers advise minimizing caffeine consumption to below 200mg per day when trying to get pregnant.

Is Masturbation Ok During Pregnancy?

Masturbation is perfectly safe and healthy during pregnancy, and there may even be some benefits as well!

Some of the most common benefits of masturbating while pregnant include:

  • More intense orgasms
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Reduced stress
  • Pain relief
  • Reduced discomfort
  • Better sleep

It’s important to keep in mind that, during the later stages of pregnancy, masturbation may cause an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions.

Also known as “false labor pains,” these uterine muscle contractions often occur in the second and third trimester.

While masturbation has been shown to potentially cause Braxton Hicks contractions in some women, it is neither dangerous nor permanent. These contractions should fade away within 30 seconds or up to around two minutes after beginning.

If the contractions become more frequent or uncomfortable, it’s best to speak with your doctor and potentially limit masturbation.


So does masturbation decrease fertility? Luckily, it does not!

Female masturbation has many benefits, from stress relief to gaining a greater understanding of one’s own pleasure. It’s a practice that has no notable downsides despite the common myths online.

Infertility has many known causes, and it’s important to always work with a medical provider when dealing with fertility issues.

However, there are a number of lifestyle changes you can make today, like reducing alcohol or trying well-researched مكملات, that may help to increase your odds of pregnancy in the future.


The Promescent Team

Our team has over a decade of experience in the sexual wellness field and are experts in sexual dysfunctions, like premature ejaculation. We help couples and individuals better understand treatment options available for different types of sexual needs and educate the public on all things related to intimacy. All of our authored content is medically reviewed for accuracy and reliability.


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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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