Female Ejaculation: The Facts, Myths, and Potential Benefits

Female ejaculation versus squirting? Learn the facts and important differences between the two.

Dr. Rachel Rubin M.D.
Board certified Urologist and assistant clinical professor in Urology
by Dr. Rachel Rubin M.D. Last updated 12/07/2023
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Believe only people with a penis can ejaculate? Nope—think again. 

You may have thought you've witnessed a female ejaculate in porn, but that may have not been ejaculation at all.

Truth be told, female ejaculation is a bit misunderstood.

Ready to sign up for a crash course in female ejaculation?

No sign-up required—we've got the full rundown on vaginal ejaculate, the research, and how to make it happen right here in this article.

Pro Tip: Promescent female arousal gel can help enhance pleasure and may help you achieve ejaculation.

Quick FAQs

No, squirting is a thin watery fluid that comes from the bladder and out of the urethra and contains trace amounts of urine. While female ejaculation is a thicker milky substance with a consistency that resembles male ejaculate.

No, however the number of women that do might surprise you. Research shows that as many as 69% of women do ejaculate during their orgasms.

Female ejaculation comes from the Skene's gland, more commonly known as the female prostate.

Among the 320 women reviewed the volume of ejaculate was between 0.3 milliliters to over 150 milliliters, that's over half a cup.

So what is female ejaculation, or "squirting"?

Essentially, female ejaculation or "squirting" are terms used to describe the release of vaginal fluid during sex. 

Believe it or not, female ejaculation and squirting are two completely different things, according to reviewed research and scientists.

Female ejaculation versus squirting. What's the difference?

One involves the female prostate while the other is more associated with the urethra and bladder.

Squirting vs Ejaculating: What's the difference?

You'll see the terms "female ejaculation" and "squirting" used relatively interchangeably to describe fluid coming from the vagina during sexual activity, especially when it comes to porn.

But, ejaculating and squirting are two different things.

What does female ejaculation look like?

Female ejaculate has a totally different fluid consistency than squirt.

When a female ejaculates, you'll see a whitish fluid, a bit thicker than pee, and a bit like diluted milk and closely resemblant to male semen, exit the body.

Female ejaculate:

  • Involves the expulsion of fluid that often occurs during an orgasm or climax
  • Contains prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic acid phosphatase
  • Contains minimal amounts of urine components like urea and creatine
  • Contains high concentrations of sweet glucose and fructose

Unlike squirting, female ejaculation does not involve a big gush of fluid. Instead, small amounts of thicker fluid ease out of the vagina during sex or orgasm.

What does female squirting look like?

Squirting looks like a big gush of thin, watery fluid. This action is well-documented in porn, and is:

  • More common than ejaculation
  • Basically made up of urine
  • Expels from the bladder and through the urethra, just like pee

Squirting can happen pretty much any time during sexual activity; the female only has to be stimulated just so for the liquid to be encouraged to squirt out.

Can anyone do it and how common is it?

Happy woman in the percentage that can experience female ejaculation

Most females can indeed experience ejaculation—some women ejaculate all the time. The reviewed research proves this much.

You may be shocked to learn that over half of the 233 women surveyed by researchers in one study have experienced the expulsion of fluid with orgasm at least one time.

About 14 percent of those women said they actually experienced ejaculation with either most or all orgasms.

In a more recent study of women's sexuality with participants between 18 and 39, researchers determined that over 69 percent of women enjoyed ejaculation with orgasm.

Percentage of women that experience ejaculation during orgasm as opposed to those that do not

So, female ejaculation is not uncommon. Not at all.

Where does it come from?

Female ejaculation occurs thanks to the female prostate.

You're probably feeling a bit confused if you have any understanding of the physiology of male versus female sexuality.

After all, it's a well-known fact that women don't have prostates or have to worry about prostate health.

So, for clarity, the female body doesn't necessarily have a prostate, at least not a male prostate.

However, women do have what is known as Skene's glands, and these are often referred to as "the female prostate."

This is where ejaculate comes from in the female body.

The Skene's glands are planted in the wall of the vagina near the urethra.

 Diagram of the skenes gland location

These glands near the urethra are responsible for making the vagina wet when a female gets aroused.

However, when a woman gets extremely aroused or nears orgasm, the Skene's glands can produce larger amounts of fluid to produce an ejaculation of sorts.

Is it Urine?

In 2010, female ejaculation underwent a full case study, led in part by "Whipple B," or Beverly Whipple who happens to be one of the biggest names in research into enhancing female sexual function.

What the study revealed was ejaculate is not urine at all, even though the ejaculate may have some of the same components in it as urine.

As noted earlier, squirting is more related to urinary release than female ejaculation.

This also explains why female ejaculation involves small amounts of fluid while squirting can involve a larger volume of fluid and can get quite messy.

Keep in mind, some women can do both, and they can even squirt and ejaculate at the same time.

Scientists have found that ejaculation liquids can contain a mix of PSA, proteins from the urethra and bladder, and glucose and fructose.

This indicates that even though the fluid is primarily from the Skene's glands, some fluid release from the urethra may happen simultaneously during female ejaculation.

Now, some women do also experience sexual incontinence, or coital incontinence, which is essentially the loss of bladder control during sexual stimulation or just sex in general.

Incontinence, understandably, also involves a higher amount of fluid released during sex because the fluids are basically pee expelled from the bladder.

How to make a female ejaculate

Female ejaculation doesn't come naturally to every female, and some women may find the idea that they can ejaculate absolutely foreign.

Understandably so since "ejaculation" has primarily been associated with the "penis."

Even with reviewed data, scientists are still not sure precisely what makes some women ejaculate because the event can be so ambiguous and every female is different.

Let's take a look at how to give female ejaculation the best shot.

General Tips to Achieve Female Ejaculation

Illustration explaining how to achieve female ejaculation

Whether you are the person trying to ejaculate or the person trying to make your female partners ejaculate, a few tips could help.

  • Experiment, practice, and experiment some more
  • Use tons of lubrication—the vagina should be as wet as possible for optimal stimulation
  • Invest in sex toys that vibrate or have a curved tip for G-spot stimulation (located on the roof of the vagina) 
  • Try "bearing down" on pelvic muscles when close to orgasm
  • Empty your bladder of urine before practicing
  • Apply female arousal gel to the vaginal area to really get into the mood before stimulation
  • Try a whole menu of positions and techniques and measure the fluid expulsion results

Tips for Male Partners

Happy couple because man learned how to help his partner achieve female ejaculation

Men can be quite eager to experience female ejaculation for the first time.

The idea is enthralling and incredibly arousing, but do your research first before you present the idea to your partner.

To present the idea to your partner, review this article with her, and see what she thinks.

Talk about female ejaculation openly—she may enjoy the fact that you're so into her sexuality.

And, most women will be totally up to trying to make it happen.

Remember, if you are fantasizing about the idea of being squirted on during sex, this may or may not happen during female ejaculation.

What you are actually looking for is a bigger-than-usual expulsion of milky fluid.

Female ejaculation can involve a fair amount of trial and error, some extensive bouts of stimulation, and some immensely exciting visuals.

If you're afraid you won't be able to hold out on your old orgasm to thoroughly enjoy the experience, grab some Promescent Desensitizing Spray to get prepared and slightly desensitized. 

While there is assuredly pleasure in causing female ejaculation, keep in mind this is mostly about her experience.

Having a partner can make it easier for her to ejaculate, but she may have to do some self-stimulation or give you directions to really pinpoint what pushes her to that point.

If she can't ejaculate, don't take it as a sign that you're inadequate or doing anything wrong.

Her ejaculation or lack thereof is not as closely tied to her sexual arousal or climax as your own ejaculation.

Does female ejaculation involve the G-spot?


Believe it or not, the female G-spot is still quite mysterious when it comes to sexual medicine and science, and G-spot stimulation is not as straightforward as it sounds.

Scientists believe and most women know the G-spot is a major element of pleasure for women, and the spot is not really one spot at all.

It’s more likely part of the clitoral network and an area like the male prostate that contains a lot of pleasure nerves.

Plus, stimulating the elusive "spot" may mean a more intense orgasm.

Therefore, in theory, stimulating the G-spot could lead to female ejaculation, especially when ejaculation is reportedly related to heightened sexual arousal and intense orgasm.

If you or your ejaculating partner want to throw in some G-spot stimulation to heighten arousal and try to encourage ejaculation, go for it.

You will have a good time whether ejaculation occurs or not.

What to expect

Female ejaculation may come with intense sensations or nothing really different than usual. The experience varies.

Even though some researchers claim that female ejaculation only happens with orgasm, that's not always the case.

Ejaculation and orgasm are not always related just as the G-spot and ejaculation or fluid release are not always related.

Some female ejaculators report that the expulsion of fluid is quite noticeable and induces a heightened state of pleasure.

Anecdotal reports claim feelings of rising warmth, tremoring, or deeper orgasmic contractions during sex.

Some women also claim that the release of the whitish fluid from the vaginal opening during ejaculation is totally captivating for their partners.

The body can also experience ejaculation differently according to what techniques are used or positions are held when the event happens.

For example, you may feel yourself ejaculate easier during a non-penetrative clitoral orgasm because the glands releasing the liquid are not crowded by a penis or otherwise.

Likewise, squirting with a g-spot climax may be perceived differently, but that too is dependant on the person.

How much ejaculate will come out?

Female ejaculation involves the release of small amounts of fluid, even though many women report a lot of liquid.

The amount released varies, so there is no "normal" fluid volume.

In 2013, researchers from the Journal of Sexual Medicine performed a review to determine how much ejaculate was released.

Among 320 women, the volume ranged from 0.3 milliliters to over 150 milliliters (over half a cup!).

The most typical amount seems to be somewhere around a teaspoon.

When women experience vaginal squirting and ejaculation from their glands all at once, they are more likely to have a lot more liquid involved.

What does female ejaculate smell like?

The ejaculate does not involve a telltale smell, even though this is what porn may lead you to believe.

The liquid released from the Skene's glands during sex does not smell like urine.

What does female ejaculate taste like?

Female fluids have been referred to as "the nectar of the gods" in ancient texts, sometimes even thought to be the secret to health and vitality for men.

This is probably because female ejaculate tends to have a sweet taste thanks to the presence of glucose and fructose.

Does it come with health benefits?

Good question.

Health and sexual medicine researchers like good old Whipple B have examined the medical benefits of ejaculation to some degree through research.

At present, no data has pointed to the health benefits of female ejaculation.

However, sex and orgasm do have benefits for the mind and bodily health.

In fact, one of the best bits of medical advice for just about any human is to have sex as much as possible.

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine and other reviewed resources, sex offers a number of health benefits, such as:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Protecting the heart
  • Giving the immune system a boost
  • Relieving stress
  • Helping with pain
  • Encouraging better sleep
  • Preserving positive body image
  • Reducing atrophy of the walls of the vagina

So, even though you may not get direct benefits with female ejaculation, which we know of anyway, research says you can definitely benefit from good and frequent sex.

Takeaways About Female Ejaculation

Female achieved ejaculation and is happy

Maybe female ejaculation is not everything that porn makes it out to be—a woman squirting fluid all over her partner, dildo, or fingers, portraying the epitome of sexual pleasure.

Nevertheless, the event is still just as sexy and could be a normal part of female sexuality.

Ejaculate from a female prostate is not urine and doesn't really have anything to do with the bladder.

However, the ejaculate may contain some compounds of urine in addition to PSA (the same element produced by the male prostate) and glucose and fructose for "nectar" sweetness.

Researchers have found that women experience ejaculation in different ways, but the fluid typically comes from the wall of the vagina from the Skene's glands near the urethra.

While there are no known medical benefits of female ejaculation in women's health studies, sex is good for the body and the mind.

So, go ahead, have all kinds of sex, with or without fluid expulsion from the vagina. 


Dr. Rachel Rubin

Dr. Rachel S. Rubin is a board-certified Urologist with fellowship training in sexual medicine. She is an assistant clinical professor in Urology at Georgetown University and practices at IntimMedicine Specialists in Washington DC. Dr. Rubin provides comprehensive sexual medicine care to all genders. She treats issues such as pelvic pain, menopause, erectile dysfunction, and low libido. Dr. Rubin is currently the education chair for the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and an associate editor for the journal Sexual Medicine Reviews. Dr. Rubin has fellowship designation from both ISSWSH and the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA).


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  • Florian Wimpissinger, Christopher Springer, Walter Stackl. 2013, January 25. International online survey: female ejaculation has a positive impact on women's and their partners' sexual lives. BJU International. https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.11562.x
  • Frank Addiego, Edwin G. Belzer Jr., Jill Comolli, William Moger ,John D. Perry &Beverly Whipple. 2010, January 11. Female ejaculation: A case study. The Journal of Sex Research. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00224498109551094
  • International Society for Sexual Medicine Staff. (n.d). Do women ejaculate?. International Society for Sexual Medicine. https://www.issm.info/sexual-health-qa/do-women-ejaculate/
  • B Bullough, M David, B Whipple, J Dixon, E R Allgeier, K C Drury. 1984 March 9. Subjective reports of female orgasmic expulsion of fluid. National Library of Medicine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6546788/
  • Zlatko Pastor, Roman Chmel. 2017, December 28. Differential diagnostics of female "sexual" fluids: a narrative review. National Library of Medicine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29285596/
  • Alberto Rubio‐Casillas, Biologist, Emmanuele A. Jannini, MD. 2011, December 1. New Insights from One Case of Female Ejaculation. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(15)33346-4/fulltext
  • Alberto Rubio‐Casillas, Biologist, Emmanuele A. Jannini, MD. 2011, December 1. New Insights from One Case of Female Ejaculation. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(15)33346-4/fulltext
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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