Is Having Sex Everyday Bad?

If you and your partner have the will and stamina to have sex every day, then go for it! There are some excellent health benefits to having daily sex.

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AASECT certified sex therapist specializing in sexual anxiety and trauma
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Benefits of having sex daily

Sex is a great thing, and it's natural to crave sexual pleasure.

But is having sex everyday bad?

Unless your doctor has advised against it, there’s really nothing wrong with daily sex.

Here's just a few of the benefits of having sex everyday:

  • Better Sleep
  • Reduces stress
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of prostate cancer
  • Relief from menstrual cramps
  • Increased sex drive
  • Calorie burning
  • Live longer
  • Reduces depression
  • Better memory and concentration

Read on to find out how sex everyday can be a good thing and the few disadvantages of having sex too often.

Quick FAQs

No, there are actually numerous physical and mental benefits to having sex, so if you’re getting it every day, then that much better.

Sex in general, even if you’re not getting it every day, can help with depression, stress, and blood pressure and may even help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Is it bad to have sex every day?

Not at all. In short, sex every day is excellent.

In fact, frequent sex can be good for several reasons, including building a stronger relationship through physical intimacy and supporting physical and emotional well-being.

As long as you stay safe, are mindful of your partner's limits, and listen to your body, sex daily can be a great thing.

How common is daily sex?

Only 4 percent of people have sex daily

Most adults are not having everyday sex, at least not intercourse.

A survey of American adults on sexual frequency in 2017 found that only four percent had intercourse daily.

By contrast, many more people go for self-pleasure every day—around 13 percent masturbate daily.

Is it normal to have sex every day?

When it comes to sexual frequency, there really is no number of times to shoot for to be considered "normal."

All individuals and couples have their own ideas about what constitutes "enough" sex. 

Sometimes, two partners will be content with less sex. In other cases, a couple considers daily sex good for them.

The most important thing is that both partners feel satisfied with the amount of sex in the relationship.

The only time a lot of sex would be a problem is if:

  • thoughts of sexual activity become overwhelming
  • it negatively impacts other parts of life
  • obsessive tendencies or erratic sexual behavior arises
  • make your partner feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable

What are the benefits of having sex every day

A healthy sex life has long been touted as a good thing, but the question is, is there actual proof that more sex is a good thing for your health?

There sure is! Here's a closer look at the numerous health benefits of sex.

1. Good sleep

Having sex daily can help you sleep better.

Good sleep after sex seems to be a given, regardless of your gender.

Medically reviewed studies have shown that having an orgasm before going to sleep may actually help you fall asleep faster and even experience better sleep.

2. Reduced stress

Studies show having sex every day can reduce stress

Sex boosts those feel-good hormones and endorphins in the brain, which can help you relax when you've had a rough day and put you in a good mood. 

This study points out that sexual activity is a form of exercise, which in itself boosts the chemicals in your brain that put you in a better mood.

So, regular sex could, in theory, mean much less stress.

3. Reduced blood pressure

Study from Johns Hopkins discussing frequent sex and lowered risk of heart attack

Regular sex may mean lower blood pressure levels and good cardiovascular health.

When you have sex regularly, you get a good physical workout for your respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

This alone may lower blood pressure, but it's also good for your heart.

This John Hopkins article discusses the link between frequent sex and a lowered risk of a heart attack.

This may be due to the added physical activity but could also be related to the fact that sex reduces stress levels and helps you sleep.

4. Reduced cancer risks

Ejaculation can help lower the risk of prostate cancer for men

More sex may lower the risks of prostate cancer for men.

Men who ejaculate most frequently (at least 21 times every month) have a 20 percent lower risk of prostate cancer when compared to those who only ejaculate between four and seven times monthly.

Even though the research is minimal, some medical professionals suggest more sex may also help lower the risks of breast cancer for women.

5. Relieves period pain

Studies have found that vaginal stimulation can decrease period pain and increase the pain tolerance threshold

When women orgasm, the uterus contracts, which can help relieve menstrual cramps.

Additionally, the natural release of oxytocin and endorphins can mean feeling less pain.

Two studies involving ten women per study found that vaginal self-stimulation increased the pain tolerance threshold by 36.8% and the pain detection threshold by 53%; that’s huge!

6. Increases sexual desire

Sex Everyday can increase your desire for sex

Want a better sex drive? Have more sex.

Those feel-good compounds released with satisfying sex are pretty strong, so the more often you have sex, the more likely you are to want even more sex.

It's a bit of a cycle, but in a good way.

Some sex doctors will even give professional medical advice to forgo the tendency to say "no" if your partner wants sexual intercourse more than you.

The fact that more frequent sex can actually lead to wanting it more often could be the answer for couples dealing with mismatched sex drives.

7. Burns calories

Studies show having 24 minutes of sex burns 101 calories for men and 69 calories for women

Sex every day is an excellent way to get in a quick calorie-burning workout—even if that workout is just for a few minutes.

Pro tip: Extend that morning “workout” with desensitizing spray.

One of the reasons sex keeps your heart healthy is because it is a form of physical activity.

During moderately intense sex for 24 minutes, men may burn just over 100 calories, while women may burn around 69 calories.

Of course, most people do not have marathon sex sessions, but you could do a few things to make the activity last a little longer.

8. Live longer

Studies have suggested that having sex every day may help you live longer

Some preliminary research has found a link between frequent sex and living longer.

Researchers found that women who had sex more frequently had less of a chance of developing some kind of degenerative disease or dying at a younger age.

Plus, the fact that sex deters heart diseases, is a form of exercise, and reduces stress could easily mean a longer, happier, healthier life.

Oddly enough, sex even seems to give the immune system a boost.

Immunoglobin, an antibody that protects the body from illness, is more profound in people who have sex at least once or twice a week.

9. Reduces depression

Studies suggest that having sex everyday may reduce depression

Just as sex reduces stress, it is also great at deterring depression.

The release of endorphins associated with sex is extremely good for your mental health. 

You can definitely expect to experience a quick mood boost with daily sex. Plus, that mood boost could last well into the next day.

10. Better memory and concentration

Studies have found that sex every day may help improve mental health and concentration

Oddly enough, daily sex may mean you have better memory recall.

Several animal studies have shown that sexual activity supports the growth of neurons in the brain and enhances cognition.

The same thing holds true for humans.

In studies of older adults, those who had sex more often showed an increase in mental health.

So, if you're having a hard time concentrating on a task, maybe it should be completely normal to have sex to rectify the situation.

Potential downfalls of having sex every day

Even with plenty of medically reviewed information to tell you that daily sex is more than acceptable, there are some downfalls to consider.

1. STIs

Sexually transmitted infections are obviously more possible if you have sex more frequently, especially if you have multiple sexual partners.

It may go without saying, but be sure to take steps to protect yourself no matter how much sex you may be having—more sex can mean more risk.

2. UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more of a concern for women than men, but they are something to consider just the same.

Generally speaking, sex can mean pushing bacteria into the anus or urinary tract if you are not clean and careful.

For example, women can be prone to UTIs if their male partner moves from anal to vaginal play.

Just do what you can to make sure you keep your hands and body parts clean during sex and foreplay to lower the risks of bacterial transmission.

3. Chafing

Excess friction on the skin of the penis or vagina can cause chafing.

While chafing is not a significant health threat, it can be uncomfortable and absolutely get in the way of good sex for a few days.

If you note your skin is chafing or your partner is looking a bit inflamed and raw, back off for a few days to allow time for healing.

Pro tip:  Promescent makes a premium line of lubricants to help keep you from experiencing chafing.

Healthy tips for daily sex

Couple sitting on bed reviewing health tips for daily sex online

Now that you know it is normal to have sex as often as you’d like, let's dive in and look at a few things to help ensure you stay healthy no matter how much sex you have.

1. Try new positions to keep things fresh

There are so many exciting positions to try, and keeping it fresh is always an excellent way to beat the hum-drum of same-old-sex routines with a partner.

Don't be afraid or ashamed to get a little creative in the bedroom and try new ways to make it work. 

As a side benefit, different positions can mean working out various muscle groups, discovering new erogenous zones, and even preventing overworking certain areas of skin or the body.

2. Use plenty of lubrication

Use a premium lubricant like the ones from Promescent to have sex every day

Excess friction during sex can lead to chafing and soreness for both men and women, so if your sex life involves a lot of sex, lube up and lube up often.

Generally speaking, look for a lube that's safe to use on your sensitive skin frequently.

Female arousal gel, a hybrid lube, can also be fun, especially if your partner struggles with natural vaginal lubrication.

3. Use protection when applicable

Don't forget, if you're not in a committed relationship and your everyday sex means multiple partners, stay safe.

4. Avoid overexerting yourself

While sex every day or frequently is perfectly healthy, don't overdo it and know your physical limits.

If you’re not ready, you could easily overexert yourself and put your health at risk.

Don't go against advice, diagnosis, or treatment prescribed by your physician just to have more sex.

If you have a pre-existing condition and a medical professional says to take it easy in the bedroom, pay attention.

Also, allow enough recovery time between sessions. You will be much less likely to cause injury or overexertion if you take a break between sexual encounters.


Bottom line, if you are comfortable with daily sex and have a willing partner or partners, go for it!

Regular sex can do a lot for your overall health, right down to putting you in a good mood and supporting good cardiovascular health.

There is no true "normal" when it comes to sexual frequency, but the vast majority of adults don't have sex daily.

As long as you practice safe, clean sex, don't overdo it, and your partner is up for it, feel free to have sex as much as you want.

You may even end up healthier because of it.


Dr. Jordan Soper

Dr. Jordan Soper is a Board Certified Psychologist, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, and owner of The Center for Sexual Health and Wellness in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Soper’s areas of expertise include evidence-based treatment for sexual health and functioning disorders, anxiety, and trauma with diverse populations including military/Veterans, first responders, police officers, members of the LGBTQ+ community, young professionals, students, therapists, sexual assault survivors, and members of the BDSM/Kink/Fetish community. She is passionate about education, advocacy, and using humor to decrease shame and stigma around mental and sexual health concerns.


Absorption Pharmaceuticals LLC (Promescent) has strict informational citing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic or research institutions, medical associations, and medical experts. We attempt to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references and only citing trustworthy sources. Each article is reviewed, written, and updated by Medical Professionals or authoritative Experts in a specific, related field of practice. You can find out more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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